Mountain Trekking

Got wanderlust? Adventure awaits!

So go find by trekking in Tanzania

You can explore the rugged, raw beauty of Tanzania on foot with our range of unique trekking tours and packages. Hiking is an amazing way of truly immersing yourself in the stunning natural landscapes, local cultures and breathtaking views.

Choose your adventure

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Mount Meru trekking

Mount Meru might be lesser known than her famous sibling Kilimanjaro, but she’s still worthy of your attention. Standing an impressive 4,566m high, Meru is a very scenic and rewarding climb that involves an exhilarating and very dramatic walk along the crater rim! 

The trek takes four days and can be done if you’re reasonably fit. But, like Kilimanjaro, it can be a challenging climb as you have the effects of altitude to contend and parts of the trail are very steep. But persevere and take your time, and you’ll be rewarded by an unparalleled view of the sun rising behind Mt Kilimanjaro. Simply breathtaking.


Mount Oldonyo Lengai trekking

Known as the “Mountain of God” by the local Maasai, Ol Donyo Lengai is the only volcano in the world that erupts ‘cool’ lava at a relatively chilly 950deg F! She stands 2,886m tall and can only be climbed at night or the early morning due to scorching day-time temperatures. 

It’s a hard, challenging climb as you have to scramble up loose stones and ashy slopes. But at the summit, you’ll be treated to an amazing panoramic view that takes in Mt Kilimanjaro, the Rift Valley, Lake Natron, the Serengeti plains and the Acacia forests.

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Ngorongoro Highland Trekking

Get off the beaten track in the best way possible by trekking the Ngorongoro highlands on foot! You’ll hike through the diverse landscapes that make up this Garden of Eden including grassy plains, lush mountain forests and the crater wall itself. 

Led by a Maasai guide you’ll get a glimpse into their culture while seeing an unbelievably diverse range of animals.