Kilimanjaro 6 Days Rongai Route


Rongai route is the most scenic route compared to Marangu route and easier compared to Machame route. It approaches the mountain in the Northern side just south of the Kenya border. This route joins Marangu in summiting hence you will descent through Marangu route according to National Park rules. This route is less busy and has scenic view of different point of the mountain. Hence, it has more advantages compared to other routes. Rongai route is decorated with spectacular view of Kibo and Mawenzi peak and two Kilimanjaro volcanic cones. It has unique flora including Giant Groundsels in the tropical forests.  Since the route is less busy, sometimes you will be the only climbers around. If you take this route up the mountain, you have higher probability to summit the Uhuru Peak 5895 meters above the see level. This route involves climbing in the true wilderness zone towards the Mawenzi peak then crossing in the beautiful barren desert Saddle before hiking to Kibo crater wall.

Highlights of the tour

  • Most scenic route
  • Mount Kilimanjaro Trek
  • Trekking Rongai Route
  • Hike in Rainforest zone
  • High Quality Standards
  • High Customer Safety
  • Professional Guides
  • High Success Rates

Day 0: Arrival in Tanzania and transfer to Moshi

On your arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) a member of our staff will be holding a placard of Parks Africa Safaris. After welcome note, you will then be transferred to your hotel in Moshi where you will spend the first night. After breathtaking in the hotel, later in the evening you will get a briefing information about Kilimanjaro and the whole plan. Our professional guide will checkup your equipment’s and everything required for trekking including medical coverage and travel insurance during pre-trek briefing session. The information from the briefing session will give you a chance to understand the whole plan and everything required before climbing.  This will avoid unnecessary risks and difficulties during the trekking. After briefing you will have a time to make your own preparation and getting your body ready for trekking.

Day 1: Climbing from Nalemoru gate (2000m) to Simba camp (2635m)

After breakfast at the hotel, you will drive 98 km, 2 hours and 30 minutes to the Rongai (Nalemoru) gate (2000 meters) above the see level near the Kenya border. You will pass in the village that is decorated with maize and potatoes farms until reaching the pine farms to the Rongai gate for necessary formalities and registrations in order to get climbing permit. There after, we begin our climb on this unspoilt wilderness route. The walk then starts to climb consistently, but gently through attractive forest that shelters  with  varieties of wildlife such as colobus monkey. The forest begins to thin out and the first camp is at the edge of the moorland zone (2635 m) with extensive views over the Kenyan plains. The first day is only a half-day walk about 3-4 hours walking time.
  • Distance: 7km /5mi
  • Time: 3-4 hrs.
  • Elevation: 200m/6552ft to 2635m/8645ft
  • Zone: Rainforest
  • Altitude gained: 638m

Day 2: Climbing from Simba camp (2635m) to Kikilewa cave  (3487m)

In the morning after breakfast 8:00am the journey towards Kibo will resume. At the second ancient cave, an appetising hot lunch will be served. After lunch we will trek through a brief section of the barren dunes of the moorland and continue amid the heather vegetation zone which is studded with ethereal, enormous lobelias. There is a high possibility of viewing the breath-taking display of the Kibo peak and eastern ice fields. There is also a chance that we may spot jackals and the odd buffalo – there is no need to panic as your guide accompanies you at all times. After reaching the Kikilewa cave our professional team will have already prepared tents and hot water for washing, coffee and snacks . After tea you will have your hot dinner prepared by our chef. After getting dinner you are recommended to rest in order to get ready for tomorrow hiking.
  • Distance: 5.8km/3.6mi
  • Time: 5-6hrs
  • Elevation: 2635m/8645ft to 3487m/11,440ft
  • Zone: Moorland
  • Altitude gained: 852m

Day 3: Climbing from Kikilewa cave (3487m) to Mawenzi Tarn Hut up (4330m)

After breakfast, today you will have a short but steep climb rewarded by superb all-around views and a tangible sense of wilderness. We leave vegetation behind shortly before reaching the next camp at Mawenzi Tarn Hut (4330m), spectacularly situated in a cirque directly beneath the towering spires of Mawenzi. The afternoon will be free to rest or explore the surrounding area as an aid to acclimatization. If interested in the evening  before dinner you will acclimatize to Mawenzi volcano 200m / 656 ft and back to Mawenzi Tarn Hut campsite for dinner and rest for the tomorrow hiking.
  • Distance: 5km
  • Time: 4-5hrs
  • Elevation: 4330 meters
  • Zone: Low Alpine
  • Altitude gained: 449m

Day 4: Climbing from Mawenzi Tarn Hut (4330m) to Kibo Hut (4730)

Today after breakfast you will start hiking to Kibo Hut, in this hiking day you will pass into alpine desert furnishing with some hardly grasses and occasionally everlasting flowers. Hike to Kibo Hut at the bottom of the Kibo crater wall  is  six (6) hours and the altitude is 47730 meters above the see level. The remainder of the day is spent resting in preparation for the final ascent before a very early night. After reaching Kibo Hut our professional team well be already prepared hot meals, hot water for washing, coffee and snacks therefore you advised to take it and having enough time to rest in order to generate enough knowledge for last summit. In the evening your guide will provide a briefly information about summiting day, routes, possible challenges and risks and what to do. This information session provides a vital role to keep your attention before starting the last ascending to Uhuru Peak. Around Kibo Hut you will join with those who climb through Marangu route for the last summit.
  • Distance: 6.7km/4.2mi
  • Time: 4-5hrs
  • Elevation: 4730 meters
  • Zone: Alpine desert
  • Altitude gained: 1238m

Day 5: Summiting  Uhuru peak (5895m)  and descent to Horombo Hut Camp (3720m)

Rise and shine for an extraordinary day! You’ll begin your ascent to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro at midnight. Begin the final, and by far the steepest and most demanding, part of the climb by torchlight around 23:30 pm. Proceed very slowly in the darkness on a switchback trail through loose volcanic scree to reach the crater rim at Gillman’s Point (5685m,18,650ft) Rest there for a short time to enjoy the spectacular sunrise over Mawenzi. Those who are still feeling strong can make the three hours round trip to Uhuru Peak, passing close to the spectacular glaciers and ice cliffs that still occupy most of the summit area. The descent to Kibo is surprisingly fast and, after some refreshment, continue the descent to reach the final campsite at Horombo Hut Camp (3,720 m.) Walking Hours: 13-15 hours. Zone: Glacial zone and the all-preceding zones where you will spend the last night over there.  Summit Day.
  • Distance kibo to summit: 4km /2.5 mi up. Time: 5-7hrs
  • Distance from summit to Horombo huts: 15.75km /9.8mi down. Time: 5-6hrs
  • Elevation: 5174m/16975ft to 5895m/19,341ft
  • Zone: Glaciers, snow-capped summit
  • Altitude gained: 721m
  • Descent to 3720m/12,208ft Altitude lost: 2174m

Day 6:  Descend From Horombo Hut Camp (3720m) to Marangu Gate to Hotel (1860m)

Today you will exit to Kilimanjaro Mountain through walking in the tropical rainforest till reaching Marangu gate. You will descent in a peaceful environment accompanied by beautiful bird songs in their natural habitat. After reaching Marangu gate our office vehicle for transfer to the hotel. At the hotel you will receive a certificate of appreciation to congratulate you for the great commitment in climbing Kilimanjaro the first highest mountain in Africa continent and first free-standing mountain in the world 5895 masl.
  • Distance: 20km/12.5mi
  • Time: 6-7hrs
  • Elevation: 3721m/12,208ft to 1905m/6250ft
  • Zone: Rainforest
  • Altitude lost: 1860m

Price of the tour

1 $2330 Per person 6 $1700 Per person
2 $1870 Per person 7 $1680 Per person
3 $1830 Per person 8 $1670 Per person
4 $1800 Per person 9 $1660 Per person
5 $1750 Per person 10 $1650 Per person


  • Accommodation 2 nights BB on arrival and after trek
  • Professional, English-speaking guide
  • Mountain crew (cook & porters)
  • Overnight stays in hotels and mountain huts
  • Meals according to the itinerary
  • Drinking water
  • All national park fees
  • All mentioned transfers

Not Included

  • Sleeping bag
  • Flights
  • Alcoholic and soft drinks
  • Visa fees
  • Tips
  • Personal spending money for souvenirs etc.
  • Travel insurance


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